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News Item

QCOHL - News Item

Your league site is http://hockeypage.com/qcohl

Welcome to Your New QCOHL HockeyPage...more

And welcome to the 2012 Season! Wow, great to be back and hard to believe we've put another summer behind us.
This is a awesome league and the boys do a great job at making sure the league is balanced to ensure equal opportunities for all teams to hoist the cup at the end of the year. Special thanks need to be extended to Rob Brown for putting a lot of work into this season. Rob's taking a leave this year to heal some aches and pains so an extra thank you for still willing to help out with some admin stuff. He's been the driving force to pull  the 2012 season all together. Moe Labranche, John Jackson and Kevin Barry also take time throughout the summer working behind the scenes and with the support of the other Team Reps, ensure things are in order for the annual draft.
Hey, I hope you enjoy this new website. We'll try to keep it active and hopefully we'll be getting some pics posted. If you have some appropriate funny stuff related to our league that you would like to share...love to post it for you!
Email us at qcohl.monday.admin@gmail.com if you like or share a comment on the league discussion forum which you will find on the left side bar.
See you at the rink!