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Topaz Hockey 2013 - News Item

Your league site is http://hockeypage.com/topazhockey2013





Stated Below are the rules and regulations that APPLY TO ALL persons playing at TOPAZ HOCKEY and is the responsibility of each individual player to understand each rule.


# 1 Rule: Have Fun, while playing safe Hockey!

“If you have fun, you win.”


  1. Sportsmanship: Every player shall conduct themselves with good sportsmanship on and off the court. What is sportsmanship you ask? Conduct yourself in a respectful and polite manor. Play fair. Have respect for one's opponent when winning or losing while participating in a fun safe sport.

  2. Conduct On and Off the Court. If you harass a player outside of topaz, that will lead to you being suspended or banned from playing here.


*Play at Own Risk: All persons play at own risk when at Topaz box or park area.


Playing Area:

Banner: Provided by Topaz Hockey, the banner is for advertising our group at the box and at events.


Benches: During game play please keep bags underneath the benches, NO bags or gear should constrict the pathways or movement on the benches doing so can be dangerous. If a player comes off out of breathe and trips over it then that’s not good.


Cleaning: Parks and Recreation are NOT responsible for cleaning the bench area; therefore YOU and Topaz Hockey are responsible for cleaning up after ourselves after each game day, garbage cans are provided for us and the city will empty them. Please place your garbage in the cans provided.


Doors/Gates: Must be kept locked and closed at all times, we cannot have any person having a head on collision with the bench door area. It is unsafe and we will not play until the bench door is closed and locked.


Nets: The nets are not provided by Parks and Recreation in this municipality; therefore Topaz Hockey supplies the nets and is responsible for the nets. Please do your part and help carry them.


Rink: The playing rink is provided by the City of Victoria and is maintained on behalf of Parks and Recreation. All persons play at their own risk.


Score Book: Please respect the score book. Keep it in good condition. Keep water away. (Also See: Scorekeeper)


Score Clock: Provided by Phil Horwood. Please respect and becareful with the score clock.          


Topaz Logo: Designed by Kevin Cave at Fuse Creative.



Throwing Sticks: Teams are decided by placing sticks in the middle and then tossing them, one at a time to each side until you run out of sticks to toss. Last stick in throws. Players playing on foot or rollerblades will be placed into two separate piles. To ensure an even amount of rollerblades or players on foot are equal on each side. Home bench is always Team Green/Dark. And away bench is always Team White/Light.


Captains: Captains can also be picked. (Captain that gets first pick of player; the other Captain gets first pick of Goalie)


Starting Line-Up: If Captains picked players, the LAST 4 players picked and the captain, will be the starting lineup for the game.



Ball: We supply the balls. Topaz Hockey uses a professional orange street hockey ball.


Gear Maintenance: The responsibility of maintaining clothing and equipment in proper condition shall be upon the player:



  1. Players:

Mandatory Gear: Players must wear proper shoes or rollerblades, have a hockey stick and hockey gloves and a cup. Other gear is optional to the discretion of the player such as helmets or shin pads. Players play at own risk as stated in the Topaz Hockey Wavier.


Jerseys/Shirts: U must bring a dark and light jersey to hockey. Jerseys may not be worn on the head, tie to arm or around the waist.

No Shirts: This applies to ONLY Team Green/Dark. Due to the hot weather during the summer, we allow the dark team to remove their shirts. Only one side can remove shirts as to not confuse players about what team others are on.

Sticks: Your choice of a one piece stick or a two piece stick. Wood, composite or graphite is a personal choice and is up to you. No stick restrictions. Sticks must not be cracked or weakened in any way whatsoever.


  1. Goalies:

Mandatory Gear:  Goalies are required and must wear all protective gear, mask, chest protector, elbow pads, pants, knee pads, pads, blocker, and glove and have a proper goalie stick to help ensure they are not injured during play. Mask must be worn during play at all times and must be up to date. NO goalie; plays without a mask. Goalies play at their own risk own risk as stated in the Topaz Hockey Wavier.


Stats & Scorekeeping Responsibilities:

  1. Stats: are only to be taken if we have a full court game. Must be at least 5 on 5 with 2 goalies or points do not count and cannot be taken. Points also can only be taken for Game 1, 2 and 3, not for game 4. 

  2. Score-sheet & Scorekeeping/:  It is the responsibility of all players to work on an honor system when telling the scorekeeper to record goals and assists. The scorekeeper will be responsible for taking the scoring information and placing it on the score sheet.  Please relay the correct information, clearly to the appropriate scorekeeper. Start with the Goal scorers’ full name, followed by the first assist, player name and then the second assists, player name. If there are no assists please place an X inside the “assists box on the scoring sheet. If a goal is scored and there are no assists, it is unassisted, place two X inside the assists boxes on score sheet.

  3. Conduct to Scorekeeper: A player shall not display unsportsmanlike conduct including obscene, profane or abusive language or gestures, comments of a personal nature intended to degrade. If a player choices to show such display they will be asked to leave immediately and will be called to discuss the issue.

  4. RO: Rain Out: If there is a Rain Out, points can still be taken as long as we have a full court game, must be at least 5 on 5 with 2 goalies or points do not count. If the game has poor attendance due to the rain, then there will be a make-up game scheduled at the end of the season which will count towards the season stats.

  5. NA: Null Attendance: If we have a very low attendance, the day will be counted as a NA, Null Attendance and there will be a make-up game scheduled at the end of the season which will count towards the season stats.


Game Flow:

2 Line Pass: No 2 line pass in effect.


Adjustment to Clothing & Equipment: Play shall not be stopped nor the game delayed by reasons of adjustments to clothing, equipment, skates or sticks. The Responsibility of maintaining clothing and equipment in proper condition shall be upon the player. If adjustments are required, the player shall do it while everyone is playing or leave the playing surface and play shall continue with a substitute. Proper substitution must be made at player bench.


Ball on back of Net, Netting: If the ball is at back of the net and is at rest on the netting, no player or goalie shall play the ball or cover the ball, the play is called dead immediately. The play begins with a face off, to the side which the ball is closest.


Ball on top of net: No player or goalie shall play the ball when it is on top of the net, play is called dead immediately. The play begins with a face off, to the side which the ball is closest.


Ball stuck in Chain-link Fence: Play is called dead, faceoff at nearest corner.


Ball out of Bounds: We don’t play “it went out off you rule”, the last player to shoot the ball before it went out of bounds must get the ball before play will resume: The reason we do this is we don’t want to lose any more balls; they are expensive.


Borrowing a Stick from the Bench after you break your own: Ask before you take, it’s that simple. 9 times out of 10 people don’t mind sharing, if you simply ask.


Borrowing other players Stick from the Playing Surface: You cannot use another player’s stick while on the court during play time. For example: If a player passes his stick to you to use, or if he drops his stick and you pick it up to use it. This is not allowed.


Broken Stick: If a stick is cracked or broken you may not used it. If your stick is broken during game play, you must drop it immediately after it breaks (preferably along the boards) and head towards the bench, either grab another or sub up, however play will not be stopped for you. 


Calling Penalties: Works on an honor system. Players on the rink can call a penalty to any other player on the rink (not from the player’s bench). The penalty must be called out loud, and will be discussed amongst the players on the rink at time of incident. The majority will make the deciding factor wither it is a penalty or not. Penalties result in a lost of ball possession. Certain penalties result in a penalty shot.  (See Below, for Penalties and Controversies to Penalties and Penalty Shots...)


Penalty Controversy: It must be a majority or play will continue with team that had possession. 


Faceoff’s: Immediately after a goal the faceoff is dropped by the team that scored the goal.


Game & Intermission Timing: Games are played to 10 goals; the winner must win by two. Games do not exceed 13 goals. Our goal of intermission’s are to give everyone a break especially the goalies. Intermission break length is usually at everyone’s discretion.


Goalies Switch Ends: Goalies switch ends during each game. This will be fair with stats, for team white and green and also with weather (due to sun).


Goalie Equipment Adjustment:  Delay shall be permitted for the repair or adjustment of goalkeeper’s equipment. If adjustments or water is required, the goalkeeper shall leave the playing surface until goalie gets water or gear is fixed.


Goalie Space:  Goalies must be given an opportunity to play their position. Any goal resulting from a player impeding the goalie's ability to make a save will be declared no goal at the discretion of the goalie. Give the goalie his space.


Hand Pass/Playing Ball with Hand: U are allowed to hand pass in your defensive zone, however you are not allowed to hand pass in the neutral or offensive zone, doing so will result in loss of possession of ball. While hand passing, you may not cover the ball or toss it a different direction or pass it to another player.


High Sticking the Ball: USE YOUR HANDS!!! KEEP YOUR STICK DOWN...If a player makes contact with the ball above the height of the crossbar (yellow dasher) the play is automatically deemed a high stick. The play is blown dead with possession being awarded to the opposing team. The Team receiving the ball must wait until all players are onside. If the play occurs in the defensive or neutral zone the opposing team will automatically be awarded the attacking zone. If the play occurs in the offensive zone the opposing team will be awarded possession of the ball at the spot of the foul.


Icing: You can NOT substitute a player after an icing. Touch Icing: It is touch icing, so you will have to touch the ball in order for the icing to count. Once icing is called the defensive team gets the position of the ball, and the ‘zone’, and also gets the full zone, so their players can enter the offensive zone automatically. Offensive player can still beat you to the ball to wave off the icing call.


Injured Players: If a player appears to be injured from any type of play the play is to be called dead, and the player is to be assessed.


Line Changes:  Line changes are in effect. (See Too Many Men Rule).


Mask Shot on Goalie:  When a goalie is struck in the mask by a shot the play is blown dead. The possession will be returned to the attacking team when play resumes, when the goalie is deemed okay and ready to play.



Offensive Zone:  Attacking players may not enter the offensive zone until the ball crosses into the neutral zone.

Defensive Zone: If the ball crosses into the defensive zone all attacking players must exit the offensive zone to be considered on side.

Controversy of Offside: If there is controversy of an offside, a decision will be made with the “majority”. Which will be to the discretion of the players on the court at time of play? Possession of ball will go to the appropriate team in their defensive end. (Team does NOT get the ‘zone’.)


Overtime: If a team has 12 goals and still has to get one more goal to win: that would be considered Over Time. Goal 13 wins! (Even though there is a win by two rule, score doesn’t exceed 13)


Penalty Shot: A penalty shot is designed to restore a scoring opportunity which was lost as a result of a foul being committed by the offending team, based on the parameters set out in these rules. See “Other Penalties” further down on the page for more information.


Possession of Ball after Position is given:  After possession is given to you, the opposing player must give you at least a stick length of room.  Opposing player can NOT touch the ball until the ball has first been touched by a player (except the goalie); this also applies when Goalies pass the ball after a stoppage.


Shaking Hands after the game has finished: To show good sportsmanship. Form a team line and then shake hands with the other team.  


Start of Game: Game will begin once a full roster is on each side and all players are onside and in proper starting position, including goalies. Before faceoff goalies must be acknowledged to make sure they are ready.


Stoppage of Play: Stoppage in play results from many things. To stop play correctly call “Stop”


Subbing: Players may change at any time during the play from the players’ bench provided that the player or players leaving the players box or playing surface shall be within the “changing box” that is marked on the rink. If observed by any player wither on the rink or in the players box notice players did not switch inside the marked box; failure to do so, will result in a lost of ball possession to the opposing team.


Subbing on Icing: You can NOT sub players on an icing call.


Warm Ups: Each goalie is entitled to at least 10 minutes of warm-up shots to his discretion.  


Time-Outs: Each game, each team has one real time-out. Use it wisely. To call a time-out you have to make a T shape with your two hands and clearly call “time-out”.

Goals and Assists:

Crediting Goals:  A “goal” shall be credited in the scoring records to a player who shall have propelled the puck into the opponent’s goal. Each “goal” shall count as one stat point in the player’s record.  Only one point can be credited to any one player on a goal. (See below for disallowed goals and controversy of a goal.)

Disallowed Goals: 


        i.            Kicking Motion: When the puck has been re-directed, kicked in, batted or thrown into the net by an attacking player other than with a stick.

     ii.            High Stick: When the puck has entered the net after making contact with an attacking player’s stick that is above the height of the crossbar.  Where the puck makes contact with the stick is the determining factor.  When the puck has been kicked using a distinct kicking motion.

   iii.            Too Many Men: When a goal has been scored and an ineligible player is on the ice, such as too many men.

   iv.            Goalie Interference: When an attacking player has interfered with a goalkeeper in his goal crease. (See Below for more information. Under “Other Penalties”)

      v.            Contact inside the Goal Crease - If an attacking player initiates contact with a goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. In some case’s if the defensive player pushed the offensive player into his own goalie and controversy ensues, a Penalty Shot will be awarded to determine goal.  If, after any contact by a goalkeeper who is attempting to establish position in his goal crease, the attacking player does not immediately vacate his current position in the goal crease (i.e. give ground to the goalkeeper), and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. In all such cases, whether or not a goal is scored, the attacking player will receive a penalty for goalkeeper interference, and will also lose possession of the ball to the opposing team. If a goalkeeper, in the act of establishing his position within his goal crease, initiates contact with an attacking player who is in the goal crease, and these results in an impairment of the goalkeeper’s ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. Give the Goalie enough room to do his job.

   vi.            Contact Outside Goal Crease: If an attacking player initiates any contact with a goalkeeper, other than incidental contact, while the goalkeeper is outside his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. A goalkeeper is not “fair game” just because he is outside the goal crease. The appropriate penalty should be assessed in every case where an attacking player makes unnecessary contact with the goalkeeper. However, incidental contact will be permitted when the goalkeeper is in the act of playing the puck outside his goal crease provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such unnecessary contact. When a goalkeeper has played the puck outside of his crease and is then prevented from returning to his crease area due to the deliberate actions of an attacking player, such player may be penalized for goalkeeper interference. Similarly, the goalkeeper may be penalized, if by his actions outside of his crease he deliberately interferes with an attacking player who is attempting to play the puck or an opponent.

 vii.            Goalie Pushed into Net: When a goalkeeper has been pushed into the net together with the puck after making a save.

viii.            Net Off: When the net becomes displaced accidentally before the puck crosses the goal line. Anyone displacing the net on purpose to disallow a goal the other team is awarded a penalty shot.

    ix.             Dead Play: If the game has been blown dead. Someone has been injured or someone called “time out” and play was suppose to stop, but no one heard them and continued to play, and a goal was scored, this goal would be disallowed, position of the ball would go back to the player that got hurt if someone was hurt. If not the team that had the ball will continue with position in their own zone.

      x.            Handling Puck - A goal cannot be scored by an attacking player who bats or directs the puck with his hand into the net. A goal cannot be scored by an attacking player who bats or directs the puck and it is deflected into the net off any player, goalkeeper or official. When the puck enters the net on a clear deflection off a glove, the goal shall be allowed.


Controversy of a Goal:  In the event of a disputed or inconclusive goal the goalies will be the deciding voice on the result of the play. If there is controversy of a goal, then a penalty shot will be awarded to the player that last touched the ball before it went in or almost in. The penalty shot will be the only way to conclude the outcome, goal or no goal.


Crediting Assists: When a player scores a goal, an “assist” shall be credited up to two players, the player or players taking part in the play immediately preceding the goal, which includes passing, shooting or deflecting the puck towards the scoring teammate, or touch it in any other way (except hand pass or high stick) which enabled the goal. Unless the opposing team gains possession/control of the ball then no assists are awarded prior to the possession (if no control is shown or possession gained, assists will still stand: to player’s discretion). Each “assist” shall count one point in the player’s record. Only one point can be credited to any one player on a goal. If a player scores off of a rebound given up by a goaltender, assists are still awarded, as long as there is no re-possession by that goaltender, meaning he or she did not have complete control of the puck.


Deflections: If a deflection happens that player will receive credit for touching the puck. This could apply for a Goal or an Assist. Deflections off the hand into the net are disallowed goals.  (See: Disallowed Goals)


Physical Penalties 


  1. Physical Play: No body checks or any other type of physical play allowed. NO boarding, butt ending, charging, checking from behind, clipping, cross checking, elbowing, fighting (see below), head butting, check to the head, kicking, kneeing, roughing, slashing, slew footing, spearing, spitting, tripping or throwing equipment and other items including water. Doing so will result in suspension or banning from league.


  1. Accidental: Accidental Collision, Elbowing, Slashing and Tripping: the play is called dead; the player that suffered from the accidental incident should receive the possession of the ball and also a good gesture of sportsmanship. No high sticking, (keep your stick down) use your hands!

*NO Fighting:  There is an ABSOLUTY NO FIGHT policy, on the court, in the player boxes, or off the court. If you do fight someone you will be asked to leave immediately and will be suspended or banned from the league. Police may be involved.


Restraining Penalties

Absolutely NO Restraining type Penalties. NO Holding, NO Hooking, NO Interference.  This rule works on an honor system, please respect it. If you have an issue with someone at Topaz you need to address it with the Administrators Shane or James immediately and we will find a solution.





Stick Penalties

Absolutely NO Stick type Penalties will be tolerated. NO butt-ending, NO crosschecking, NO High-sticking, NO Slashing, NO Spearing. Failure to comply will result in suspension or banning from Topaz Hockey. Zero tolerance policy.


Accidental: Accidental Collision, Elbowing, Slashing and Tripping: the play is called dead; the player that suffered from the incident should receive the possession of the ball and also a good gesture of sportsmanship. No high sticking, (keep your stick down) use your hands!







Other Penalties

Delaying the Game –Shooting the puck out of your defensive zone out of bounds is a penalty; possession is awarded to the opposing team. (Shooter gets puck!) – No Line change can be made.


Goalies Cover/Play Ball Rule:  Goalies may not cover the ball with the intent of stopping play outside of their crease. If it is outside the crease the goalie must play the ball, if he covers it this will result in a change of possession to the opposing team. The other team gets position at the center line. The object of this entire rule is to keep the puck in play continuously and any action taken by the goalkeeper who causes an unnecessary stoppage must be penalized.


Goalie Interference: This rule is based on the premise that an attacking player’s position, whether inside or outside the crease, should not, by itself, determine whether a goal should be allowed or disallowed. In other words, goals scored while attacking players are standing in the crease may, in appropriate circumstances be allowed.


Goals should be disallowed only if:

  1. An attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal area. **

  2. An attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgment of the Referee(s), and not by means of video replay or review. **

**The overriding rationale of this rule is that a goalkeeper should have the ability to move freely within his goal crease without being hindered by the actions of an attacking player. If an attacking player enters the goal crease and, by his actions, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. **

For purposes of this rule, “contact,” whether incidental or otherwise, shall mean any contact that is made between or among a goalkeeper and attacking player(s), whether by means of a stick or any part of the body.

If an attacking player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by a defending player so as to cause him to come into contact with the goalkeeper, such contact will not be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, provided th3e attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact.

If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.

If, after any contact by a goalkeeper who is attempting to establish position in his goal crease, the attacking player does not immediately vacate his current position in the goal crease (i.e. give ground to the goalkeeper), and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. In all such cases, whether or not a goal is scored, the attacking player will receive a minor penalty for goalkeeper interference.

Handling Puck - A player shall be permitted to stop or “bat” a puck in the air with his open hand, or push it along the ice with his hand, and the play shall not be stopped unless, in the opinion of fellow players, he has deliberately directed the puck to a teammate in any zone other than the defending zone, in which case the play shall be stopped and the opposing team will gain position of the ball. Play will not be stopped for any hand pass by players in their own defending zone.


High stick: If a player makes contact with the ball above the height of the crossbar (yellow dasher) the play is automatically deemed a high stick. The play is blown dead with possession being awarded to the opposing team. The Team receiving the ball must wait until all players are onside. If the play occurs in the defensive or neutral zone the opposing team will automatically be awarded the attacking zone. If the play occurs in the offensive zone the opposing team will be awarded possession of the ball at the spot of the foul. KEEP YOUR STICKS DOWN. USE YOUR HANDS.


Controversy of High stick: A controversy shall be ended by simply calling it High Sticking, reward the opposing team with possession of the ball. We want players to keep sticks down and keep play safe.


Penalty Shot (1):  If a defending player, except a goalkeeper, while play is in progress,  holds the ball, picks up the ball, or covers the ball with hands in the goal crease area, the play shall be stopped immediately and a penalty shot shall be awarded to the non-offending team.


Penalty Shot (2): Awarded when a player has position of the ball and contact or stick is made to the player and therefore losing position of the ball and the chance to score, therefore a penalty shot will be awarded.


Penalty Shot (3): Running a Goalie:  If an attacking player runs over the opposing goalie, the defending team will automatically be awarded a penalty shot. The player that ran the goalie will also be given a warning to give the goalie enough space for him to play. Player must respect this or he can leave.


Slashing: NO SLASHING! If you Slash someone intentionally you will be asked to leave and will be evaluated on wither or not you are welcome back at Topaz Hockey. Slashing is not tolerated. Accidents do happen we know that, and most slashes are accident, please have good sportsmanship and apologize.


Slashing Stick out of Hand: No slashing player’s sticks out of their hands. If a player’s stick is slashed out of their hands it is considered a penalty and the opposing team will be awarded the possession of the ball.   


Slash-Broken Stick as Result: broken stick slash awarded a penalty shot and buy the player a new stick.


Throwing Stick or Equipment: A player must not throw his stick or slide stick along the ground at



Tripping: NO Tripping allowed, accidental tripping happens, we understand that. But have some class and sportsmanship when it happens, apologize and be a man about it.  When it does happen the play is called dead; the player that suffered from the accidental incident should receive the possession of the ball and also a good gesture of sportsmanship.


Too Many Men on the Playing Surface - Players may change at any time during the play from the players’ bench provided that the player or players leaving the players box or playing surface shall be within the “subbing box area” that is marked on the rink. The new player coming on is considered on the surface once both feet/skates are touching the rink. If he plays the puck or interferes with an opponent while still on the players’ bench, he shall be penalized for Interference and his team would lose possession of the ball. Works on an honor system and at the discretion of the other players playing and at the player benches.




***The above rules and regulations should be read, understood and enforce, by all players and goalies playing at Topaz Hockey. ***


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