I.	Specific Articles:
	II.	Formation, Government and Administration of the League
	III.	Philosophy of the League
	IV.	Relationship to Community Hockey Associations
	V.	Relationship to Particular Schools
	VI.	Team Membership, Registration and Financing
	VII.	Player Membership and Team Composition
	VIII.	Rules of Play
	IX.	Discipline of Team Members
	X.	Season and Schedule
	XI.	Playoffs

II.	Formation, Government and Administration of the League

The West Michigan Junior Varsity Hockey League (WMJV Hockey League) is 
composed of three divisions: The Reges Division , the Meeter Division and 
the Guppy Division.  The Reges Division is named after the Reges family 
whose contributions to minor hockey in the West Michigan area are too 
numerable to list and to whom we are thankful.  The Meeter Division is 
named after George Meeter who was  a President of the WMJV Hockey 
League; without his nurturing and tireless effort this League would not exist . 
The Guppy Division is named for Don Guppy who had spent all his life 
involved in hockey in many capacities from youth coach to being a score 
keeper at a professional level.

The following charter teams originally formed the WMJV Hockey League: 
East Grand Rapids, Catholic Central, Grand Rapids Christian, Forest Hills, 
Mona Shores and Northview.  Each of these teams will appoint a single, 
named individual as a representative who will be invited to join the Board of 
Directors of the WMJV Hockey League for the given hockey season.

Also invited to the Board of Directors will be a single named representative 
from each non-charter team that is participating in the WMJV Hockey League 
for the given hockey season.

Also invited to the Board of Directors will be a single, named representative 
from each community hockey association that operates within the same area 
from which the WMJV Hockey League players come.

The means of establishing that representative from each team or community 
association is of no concern to the WMJV Hockey League.

Each team that participates in the WMJV Hockey League in a given hockey 
season shall have one vote through the single, named representatives on any 
matter that is decided by the Board of Directors of the WMJV Hockey 

The Board of Directors will be responsible for the adoption of these By-laws, 
their administration and any additions or deletions.  It is understood that in 
the administration of this League much flexibility must be available so that 
these By-laws may be changed at any time with a two-thirds majority vote of 
the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors will appoint or elect a League President who will act as 
an official spokesperson for the WMJV League and call and preside of any 
WMJV Hockey League Board meetings.

The Board of Directors will appoint a single Administrator to coordinate with 
outside groups such as the Michigan Amateur Hockey Association (MAHA) 
and USA Hockey.  The Administrator may or may not be a voting Board 
Member.  The duties of the Administrator shall be:
	A.	To coordinate scheduling meetings with the member teams.
	B.	To act as a clearinghouse of mailing WMJV Hockey League 
	C.	To act as a single point of contact with the MAHA and USA Hockey 
		for such things as team and player registration.

Other officers may be elected as required by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors will meet on the third Tuesday of every month from 
August to April inclusive, at a time and a place that is announced well in 
advance of the meeting.  The Administrator will notify all Board members 
and all Team Representatives of the time, place and agenda of the upcoming 

The telephone number and the address of the WMJV Hockey League shall be 
that of the home of the current president.

III.	Philosophy of the League

It is our purpose and philosophy that this League plays a developmental role 
for young hockey players.  This development should be in the skills of the 
game, the physical conditioning and a positive part of the psychological 
maturing process.  The WMJV Hockey League is intended to be a competitive 
league instead of a recreational league but it will make serious attempts to 
incorporate any one that has a true desire to work at learning the game 
regardless of their incoming skills.

It is also understood that as a competitive league the team membership is on 
a selective basis usually with some form of "try-out" to obtain team 

IV.	Relationship to Community Hockey Associations

The WMJV Hockey League intends to work very closely with any community 
associations that operate within the same district as the WMJV Hockey 
League.  We recognize the independence of the two groups: the community 
association feeding the players to the WMJV Hockey League and the WMJV 
Hockey League providing a competitive transition from the community 
association to the local High Schools.

V.	Relationship to Particular Schools

Despite being called a Junior Varsity league and despite the fact that each 
team primarily represents one school district there is no formal recognition 
of ties to particular schools.  This implies that the teams are not under the 
rules of High School athletics and that there are no restrictions in 
incorporating players outside any particular school district in order to 
accommodate players that best fit the philosophy of the WMJV Hockey 

VI.	Team Membership, Registration and Financing

Team membership in the WMJV Hockey League is obtained through the 
established Board of Directors of Article II above and a two-thirds majority of 
those Directors.  There shall be no particular geographical restrictions or 
restrictions based on team affiliation with another association.

Evidence of WMJV Hockey League membership shall the payment of the 
League Fee which will be established at the April Board Meeting prior to a 
new season and payable prior to the start of League play.  Typically fees are 
intended to cover the cost of League mailings and the costs of awards and 
trophies at the conclusion of the season and the playoffs.  Fees must be paid 
to the WMJV Hockey League no later than the October Board Meeting of the 
current season.

Restrictions must be made to only teams that subscribe to these By-laws, 
agree to register as a USA Hockey team and comply with the associated rules 
so as not to put any team, player or official in jeopardy of litigation, loss of 
insurance or restriction in participating in hockey.

Teams must register under the classification rules of USA Hockey depending 
on the age of the players.  This implies that most teams will register as Midget 
and perhaps some as Bantam.  The particular classification is of no 
consequence in the WMJV Hockey League other than as discussed in Article 
VII below.  However when playing outside the WMJV Hockey League the 
classification will be either Bantam A or Midget A, equivalent to a travel team 
due to the selection process.

One specific restriction is that WMJV Hockey League membership excludes 
membership in any other league.  Member teams may, and in fact are 
encouraged to play other teams outside the WMJV Hockey League but are 
expected to show loyalty to the WMJV Hockey League through membership 
only in the WMJV Hockey League and in that way help the League to mature. 
(Complies with the MAHA Rules and Regulations Section V. Registration: 

Financing of each team is their own responsibility.  The particular means is of 
no concern to the WMJV Hockey League.  It is understood that if a player is 
recommended to any of the teams from the community association that the 
player participate in fund-raising for the team as defined by that team.

Payment for the WMJV Hockey League games and officials will be the 
responsibility of the team designated as the home team and will be equally 
distributed by hours of ice through the schedule.  The Board and the 
Administrator will only be responsible and accountable for the funds 
gathered in the membership fees or for other specific events such as playoff 

VII.	Player Membership and Team Composition

All players and teams must register with USA Hockey and abide by the rules 
and regulations set forth in the latest editions of the "USA Hockey Official 
Playing Guide", the "MAHA Annual Guide", and the WMJV Hockey League 

The WMJV Hockey League will be split into three divisions as described in 
Article II above.  The split will be determined by each team's individual 
performance during the opening tournament , or any reasonable method to 
be determined by the Board .

The age limitations for the players are as follows: players must be born 
between July 1, 1986 and June 30 1989 inclusive.  A team will be allowed to 
roster and use a goaltender born between July 1, 1985 and June 30, 1986 
providing that there is no other goaltender on the team and that that player 
does not skate at any other position.   If a team wishes to roster a player that 
is younger than the written age parameters allow that team my petition the 
Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board meeting for a written variance 
that must be passed by a two-thirds majority.  If a team wishes to roster a 
player whose birth date falls in the months of Jan through June that team 
may petition the Board of Directors at a regular Board meeting for a variance 
and must be passed by a two-thirds majority . It shall be understood that the 
minimum and maximum years will increase by one year in each successive 
year that these By-laws are published.  Any other change in age limitation 
will require a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors.  The mix of the 
team in regards to age or gender shall not be restricted provided that the 
players' birth dates fall within the above defined parameters.

To best control this mix of ages the WMJV Hockey League may choose, 
through the action of the Board of Directors, to put restrictions on specific 
teams and players if one team or a couple of players are dominating through 
the use of Midget age players.  This restriction may be to limit the number of 
Midget players used in WMJV Hockey League Games or limit the playing time 
of specific players or other similar controls accepted by a two-thirds majority 
of the Board of Directors to promote safety and the best compliance with the 
League philosophy.

Players that have participated at the Varsity level in previous seasons may 
not participate in any WMJV League event until such time as they have been 
released from that Varsity team through the process of pre-season team 
tryouts. Once a player has participated in game play at the Varsity level 
during a season that player may not be re-rostered on any WMJV League 
team or participate in League play.

Player selection methods are the responsibility of the individual team.  There 
is no intent to hold player drafts for team membership but there will be intra-
team cooperation or a draft if directed by the Board of Directors to insure 
that a player coming from a community association will have an opportunity 
to try-out for a team.

Each team will submit a photocopy or a reasonable facsimile of the following 
documents to the Administrator by the November Board meeting: Form USA 
1-T, Form USA 2-T and each coach or assistant coach license.

Any team that has released players will notify the Administrator of those 
players so they can be made available to other teams in need of players.  This 
will allow maximum opportunity for all those who wish to participate.

VIII.	Rules of Play

All WMJV Hockey League games will be played under the playing rules 
established in the latest editions of the "USA Hockey Official Playing Guide", 
the "MAHA Annual Guide" and these By-laws.

One exception is the length of games and periods of play.  All possible 
attempts will be made to have games consist of three, fifteen-minute, stop-
clock periods.  It is understood that due to acquiring adequate ice-time some 
games may be restricted to three, twelve-minute, stop-clock periods.  Those 
games that are shortened must be noted on the WMJV Hockey League 
schedule in advance of the game and attempts made to trade "an hour for an 
hour" with the opposing team or reach mutual acknowledgement and 
agreement prior to the game.

IX.	Discipline of Team Members

The WMJV Hockey League expects that each individual team will handle 
their own behavioral discipline in keeping with good sportsmanship of a 
developmental League for young people.  Specific rules that will cause 
disciplinary action from the WMJV Hockey League will involve the following:
A.	Any team member, whether player or non-playing team official 
who incurs a game misconduct penalty in a WMJV Hockey League 
game shall be subject to the following League action: first game 
misconduct in a season: one game suspension; second game 
misconduct in a season: two game suspension; third game 
misconduct in a season: expulsion from the WMJV Hockey League 
for the remainder of the current season and any subsequent playoff 
games.  The games suspension(s) must be served in the next 
scheduled WMJV Hockey League game(s) (games that were already 
on the official WMJV Hockey League schedule at the time of the 
penalty)(see Article X below) and cannot be served in a non-
scheduled game whether it is played against a WMJV Hockey 
League opponent.
B.	If other questionable behavior occurs any team may request a 
special meeting of the Board of Directors requesting disciplinary 
action against any team member.  A two-thirds majority will 
determine if and what special discipline will be administered

X.	Season and Schedule

A special scheduling meeting will be held in November shortly after the 
opening tournament.  Each team representative must have the following: all 
available home ice game slots written on 3 x 5  cards and a calendar for 
November through March .  The team representative must have three 3 x 5  
cards for each game slot.  The following information must appear on each of 
the three cards: date, time, arena (and ice surface if applicable) and the home 
team, with a blank spot for the visiting team.  Each representative meets with 
the representatives of the other teams (one at a time) until the appropriate 
number of games has been scheduled.  Once a game has been scheduled 
record the visiting team on each one of the 3 x 5 cards.  Record the game on 
your calendar checking to see if there are any conflicts.  Distribute the three 
3 x 5 cards as follows: for each game slot, one card goes to the visiting team, 
one card to the home team and one card to the administrator.  Do not use  
cards for non-WMJV Hockey League games; they may get confused with a 
League game.

There will be no official WMJV Hockey League season but it is encouraged 
that most games be played between mid-November and the first week of 
March to minimize conflicts with other school sports.  It is compulsory that 
no WMJV Hockey League team play a League game until area High School 
varsity hockey teams have made their final player selections.

Depending on available ice-time and the number of teams participating , the 
season will consist of all teams playing approximately 22 regular season 
league games . Game scheduling as it applies to inter- divisional play will be 
determined by the Board on an annual basis.  Further games between teams 
are encouraged but will not count in the official League standings.

The WMJV Hockey League schedule will be worked out through the 
participation of the representatives of all teams .  There will be an utmost 
attempt to firm the game schedule before November 30 of the current 
season.  The Board of Directors will approve the schedule to formalize it.  
Changes may be made through mutual agreement of the teams involved but 
the responsibility of changing officiating schedules as well as any cost impact 
of previous ice and officials scheduled will be the responsibility of the two 
teams involved and not the WMJV Hockey League.

Please keep the following in mind while scheduling games: no game can start 
after 10:00 p.m. or before 7:00am.  If playing multiple games in one day the 
start time of the second game must be a minimum of four hours later than 
the end time of the previous game.

If any team is playing in the MAHA District Playdowns, that team must make 
a declaration of intent at the October Board meeting so that no League games 
are scheduled with that team during the Playdowns.

WMJV Hockey League games must be played at an indoor arena.

Three Division champions will be named and awarded a team and individual 
trophies for the players at the conclusion of the season.

Other player, coach, team or WMJV Hockey League member recognitions or 
awards will be given  at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

XI.	Playoffs

Following the conclusion of the season schedule a separate schedule will be 
set-up for the sake of a WMJV Hockey League playoff.  The format of the 
playoff will not be established until the January Board meeting of the current 
season to allow the evaluation of play of all teams and develop an appropriate 

Awards will be given for both the winner and the runner-up as a result of the 