Oct 14, 2013 | Athletics | 12 | Drillers | 13 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 14, 2013 | Easton Fection OT | 5 | Blades Of Steel | 5 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 14, 2013 | Chiefs | 11 | Shamrocks | 4 | 08:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 14, 2013 | Blackouts | 3 | Watchmen | 4 | 09:35PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 14, 2013 | Aces | 7 | Rebels | 1 | 10:25PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 15, 2013 | Sabres | 11 | Sharks | 2 | 07:30PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 15, 2013 | White Storm | 1 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 0 | 08:20PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 15, 2013 | Browns | 3 | Angry Owls | 0 | 09:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 15, 2013 | Uno Mas | 7 | JDC West | 1 | 10:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 16, 2013 | Royals | 2 | Vernon Reapers | 5 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 16, 2013 | Hatrick Swayze | 6 | Heisenberg | 8 | 08:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 16, 2013 | Ramblers | 5 | Predators | 6 | 08:50PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 21, 2013 | Chiefs | 7 | Easton Fection | 4 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 21, 2013 | Blackouts | 6 | Blades Of Steel | 5 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 21, 2013 | Shamrocks | 3 | Watchmen | 4 | 08:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 21, 2013 | Aces | 8 | Athletics | 4 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 21, 2013 | Drillers | 17 | Rebels | 2 | 09:55PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 22, 2013 | Sabres | 2 | Browns | 5 | 07:30PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 22, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 3 | Sharks | 2 | 08:25PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 22, 2013 | Uno Mas | 3 | OK Phantoms | 4 | 09:20PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 22, 2013 | Hawks OT | 7 | JDC West | 7 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 23, 2013 | Royals | 8 | Ramblers | 6 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 23, 2013 | Uno Mas | 1 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | 08:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 23, 2013 | Predators | 8 | Hatrick Swayze | 4 | 08:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 23, 2013 | Vernon Reapers | 4 | Heisenberg | 1 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 23, 2013 | Skull Crushers | 4 | OK Phantoms OT | 4 | 09:55PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 28, 2013 | Athletics | 7 | Rebels | 5 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 28, 2013 | Blades Of Steel | 6 | Shamrocks | 5 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 28, 2013 | Aces | 0 | Drillers | 3 | 08:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 28, 2013 | Easton Fection | 6 | Watchmen | 2 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 28, 2013 | Blackouts | 2 | Chiefs | 10 | 09:55PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 29, 2013 | OK Phantoms | 4 | JDC West | 3 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 29, 2013 | Browns | 3 | Sharks | 6 | 07:30PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 29, 2013 | Skull Crushers | 1 | Hawks | 9 | 08:25PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 29, 2013 | White Storm | 5 | Angry Owls | 3 | 09:25PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 29, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 4 | Sabres | 2 | 10:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 30, 2013 | Royals | 4 | Predators | 11 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 30, 2013 | Hatrick Swayze | 4 | Heisenberg | 8 | 08:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 30, 2013 | Ramblers | 5 | Vernon Reapers | 3 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Oct 30, 2013 | Aces | 7 | Assassins | 5 | 09:55PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 4, 2013 | Assassins | 7 | Rebels | 5 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 4, 2013 | Chiefs | 9 | Blades Of Steel | 2 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 4, 2013 | Athletics | 8 | Aces | 0 | 08:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 4, 2013 | Shamrocks | 2 | Easton Fection | 7 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 4, 2013 | Watchmen | 4 | Blackouts | 2 | 09:55PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 5, 2013 | Browns | 4 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 2 | 07:30PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 5, 2013 | Speedy Singhs | 11 | Hawks | 1 | 08:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 5, 2013 | JDC West | 5 | Uno Mas | 6 | 08:25PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 5, 2013 | Sabres | 2 | Angry Owls | 1 | 09:20PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 5, 2013 | Sharks | 13 | White Storm | 4 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 6, 2013 | Heisenberg | 1 | Royals | 3 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 6, 2013 | Royals | 5 | Hatrick Swayze | 4 | 07:10PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 6, 2013 | Hatrick Swayze OT | 2 | Vernon Reapers | 2 | 08:05PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 6, 2013 | Vernon Reapers | 1 | Predators | 7 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 6, 2013 | Predators | 6 | Ramblers | 5 | 10:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 11, 2013 | Aces | 3 | Rebels | 11 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 11, 2013 | Chiefs | 10 | Shamrocks | 4 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 11, 2013 | Assassins | 4 | Drillers | 6 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 11, 2013 | Drillers | 7 | Athletics | 8 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 11, 2013 | Blackouts | 4 | Easton Fection | 2 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 12, 2013 | Hawks | 4 | Skull Crushers | 6 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 12, 2013 | Uno Mas | 10 | Hawks | 0 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 12, 2013 | Browns | 3 | White Storm | 1 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 12, 2013 | Sabres | 1 | Angry Owls | 2 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 12, 2013 | Sharks | 3 | Angry Owls | 7 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 12, 2013 | OK Phantoms | 4 | JDC West | 7 | 11:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 18, 2013 | Athletics | 7 | Assassins | 8 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 18, 2013 | Assassins | 4 | Aces | 3 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 18, 2013 | Drillers | 10 | Rebels | 1 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 18, 2013 | Blackouts | 3 | Chiefs | 7 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 18, 2013 | Blades Of Steel | 3 | Easton Fection OT | 3 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 19, 2013 | OK Phantoms | 6 | Uno Mas | 3 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 19, 2013 | Uno Mas | 3 | Skull Crushers | 5 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 19, 2013 | Sabres | 5 | Sharks | 3 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 19, 2013 | JDC West | 8 | Hawks | 7 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 19, 2013 | Browns | 2 | Angry Owls | 5 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 19, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins  | 0 | White Storm | 1 | 11:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 20, 2013 | Vernon Reapers | 6 | Ramblers | 1 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 20, 2013 | Vernon Reapers | 4 | Predators | 10 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 20, 2013 | Heisenberg | 7 | Ramblers | 0 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 20, 2013 | Heisenberg | 4 | Predators | 5 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 20, 2013 | Hatrick Swayze | 2 | Royals | 4 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 21, 2013 | Speedy Singhs | 5 | Watchmen | 9 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 25, 2013 | Blackouts | 12 | Blades Of Steel | 2 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 25, 2013 | Aces | 5 | Athletics | 2 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 25, 2013 | Drillers | 7 | Aces | 6 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 25, 2013 | Assassins | 2 | Rebels | 7 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 25, 2013 | Easton Fection | 6 | Chiefs | 2 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 26, 2013 | OK Phantoms | 2 | Uno Mas | 7 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 26, 2013 | Shamrocks | 8 | Hawks | 3 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 26, 2013 | Sabres | 1 | Browns | 6 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 26, 2013 | White Storm | 5 | Angry Owls | 9 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 26, 2013 | Sharks | 5 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 2 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 26, 2013 | JDC West OT | 4 | Skull Crushers | 4 | 11:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 27, 2013 | Vernon Reapers | 4 | Ramblers | 2 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 27, 2013 | Predators | 6 | Hatrick Swayze | 5 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 27, 2013 | Heisenberg | 10 | Royals | 2 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 28, 2013 | Shamrocks | 10 | JDC West | 4 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 28, 2013 | OK Phantoms | 3 | Shamrocks | 7 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Nov 28, 2013 | OK Phantoms | 1 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 2, 2013 | Blackouts | 14 | Speedy Singhs | 2 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 2, 2013 | Assassins | 6 | Rebels | 5 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 2, 2013 | Assassins | 0 | Drillers | 9 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 2, 2013 | Athletics | 8 | Drillers | 9 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 2, 2013 | Watchmen | 3 | Chiefs | 5 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 2, 2013 | Blades Of Steel | 2 | Easton Fection | 1 | 11:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 3, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 3 | White Storm | 1 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 3, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 2 | Angry Owls | 4 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 3, 2013 | Sharks | 2 | Browns | 5 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 3, 2013 | OK Phantoms | 6 | Hawks | 8 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 3, 2013 | JDC West | 7 | Uno Mas | 9 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 4, 2013 | Predators | 5 | Royals | 10 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 4, 2013 | Heisenberg | 5 | Royals | 6 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 4, 2013 | Heisenberg | 5 | Ramblers | 4 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 4, 2013 | Hatrick Swayze | 4 | Ramblers | 6 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 4, 2013 | Skull Crushers | 3 | Shamrocks | 7 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 7, 2013 | Hatrick Swayze | 5 | Ramblers | 4 | 01:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 7, 2013 | Shamrocks | 8 | OK Phantoms | 5 | 05:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 7, 2013 | Shamrocks | 6 | Uno Mas | 4 | 06:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 7, 2013 | Blades Of Steel | 9 | Speedy Singhs | 4 | 07:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 7, 2013 | Hawks | 3 | Skull Crushers | 8 | 08:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 7, 2013 | Athletics  | 0 | Assassins | 1 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 7, 2013 | Watchmen  | 0 | Chiefs | 1 | 10:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 9, 2013 | Chiefs | 1 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 9, 2013 | Rebels | 5 | Assassins OT | 5 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 9, 2013 | Rebels | 1 | Aces | 6 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 9, 2013 | Blackouts | 2 | Watchmen | 3 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 9, 2013 | Easton Fection | 3 | Blades Of Steel | 4 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 9, 2013 | Athletics | 1 | Drillers  | 0 | 11:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 10, 2013 | Sharks | 11 | White Storm | 3 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 10, 2013 | JDC West | 3 | OK Phantoms | 5 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 10, 2013 | Sabres | 7 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 2 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 10, 2013 | Uno Mas | 4 | Skull Crushers | 6 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 10, 2013 | Browns | 3 | Angry Owls | 5 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 11, 2013 | Vernon Reapers | 2 | Royals | 8 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 11, 2013 | Hatrick Swayze | 10 | Vernon Reapers | 2 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 11, 2013 | Royals | 6 | Ramblers | 4 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 11, 2013 | Heisenberg | 2 | Hatrick Swayze | 6 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 11, 2013 | Heisenberg | 0 | Predators | 9 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 14, 2013 | Uno Mas  | 0 | Skull Crushers | 1 | 02:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 14, 2013 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | Hawks | 1 | 04:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 14, 2013 | Aces | 1 | Assassins | 17 | 05:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 14, 2013 | Blackouts | 9 | Shamrocks | 3 | 06:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 14, 2013 | Drillers | 6 | Rebels | 5 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 14, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins | 1 | Browns  | 0 | 10:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 16, 2013 | Blackouts | 10 | Easton Fection | 2 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 16, 2013 | Blades Of Steel | 4 | Chiefs | 8 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 16, 2013 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | Easton Fection | 1 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 16, 2013 | Athletics | 5 | Aces | 4 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 16, 2013 | Athletics | 8 | Rebels | 4 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 16, 2013 | Assassins | 4 | Drillers | 9 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 17, 2013 | Sabres | 5 | White Storm | 2 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 17, 2013 | Sabres | 5 | Angry Owls | 0 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 17, 2013 | Browns | 2 | White Storm | 1 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 17, 2013 | Sharks | 12 | Angry Owls | 6 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 17, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins  | 0 | Sharks | 1 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 17, 2013 | Shamrocks | 0 | JDC West | 0 | 11:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 18, 2013 | Bottle Nosed Dolphins  | 0 | White Storm | 1 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 18, 2013 | Browns | 5 | Sabres | 6 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 18, 2013 | Sharks | 1 | Angry Owls | 7 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 18, 2013 | Ramblers | 4 | Predators | 7 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 18, 2013 | Predators | 5 | Hatrick Swayze | 4 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 18, 2013 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | Skull Crushers | 1 | 11:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 21, 2013 | Skull Crushers | 4 | OK Phantoms | 2 | 01:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 21, 2013 | Hawks | 9 | Skull Crushers | 10 | 02:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 21, 2013 | White Storm | 6 | Sabres | 5 | 05:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 21, 2013 | Vernon Reapers  | 0 | Royals | 1 | 06:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 23, 2013 | Blades Of Steel | 4 | Watchmen | 5 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 23, 2013 | Blades Of Steel  | 0 | Watchmen | 1 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 23, 2013 | Hawks | 0 | JDC West | 0 | 08:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 23, 2013 | Easton Fection | 1 | Chiefs  | 0 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 23, 2013 | Blackouts | 1 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Dec 23, 2013 | Speedy Singhs  | 0 | Watchmen | 1 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Jan 3, 2014 | Vernon Reapers | 1 | Heisenberg  | 0 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | |
Jan 5, 2014 | Skull Crushers | 2 | OK Phantoms | 3 | 02:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 5, 2014 | Drillers | 4 | Aces | 3 | 03:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 5, 2014 | Assassins | 1 | Athletics  | 0 | 04:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 5, 2014 | Chiefs | 7 | Easton Fection | 1 | 05:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 5, 2014 | Watchmen | 2 | Blackouts | 3 | 06:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 5, 2014 | Predators | 4 | Heisenberg | 5 | 07:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 5, 2014 | Vernon Reapers | 1 | Royals OT | 1 | 08:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 5, 2014 | Shamrocks | 4 | Uno Mas | 5 | 09:00PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 6, 2014 | Drillers | 1 | Aces | 7 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 6, 2014 | Assassins | 0 | Athletics | 0 | 07:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 6, 2014 | Chiefs | 5 | Easton Fection | 1 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 6, 2014 | Blackouts | 4 | Watchmen | 5 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 6, 2014 | Predators | 6 | Heisenberg | 2 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 7, 2014 | Sabres | 5 | Sharks | 3 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 7, 2014 | Browns | 5 | Angry Owls | 1 | 07:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 7, 2014 | Royals | 4 | Vernon Reapers | 0 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 7, 2014 | Skull Crushers | 3 | OK Phantoms | 7 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 7, 2014 | Uno Mas | 6 | Shamrocks | 1 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 8, 2014 | Predators | 6 | Heisenberg | 1 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 8, 2014 | Blackouts | 0 | Watchmen | 0 | 08:00PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 8, 2014 | Blackouts | 6 | Watchmen | 0 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 9, 2014 | Aces | 0 | Drillers | 0 | 07:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 9, 2014 | Royals | 4 | Predators | 3 | 08:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 9, 2014 | Uno Mas | 4 | OK Phantoms | 6 | 09:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 9, 2014 | Angry Owls | 3 | Browns | 1 | 10:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 10, 2014 | Sabres | 7 | Sharks | 1 | 06:15PM | RECAP | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 10, 2014 | Browns | 0 | Angry Owls | 0 | 07:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 10, 2014 | Chiefs | 0 | Blackouts | 0 | 08:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 10, 2014 | Uno Mas | 0 | OK Phantoms | 0 | 09:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 11, 2014 | Royals | 0 | Predators | 0 | 02:00PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 11, 2014 | Uno Mas | 0 | OK Phantoms | 0 | 04:00PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 12, 2014 | Aces | 0 | Assassins | 0 | 04:00PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 12, 2014 | Royals | 0 | Predators | 0 | 06:00PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 12, 2014 | Chiefs | 0 | Blackouts | 0 | 07:00PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 12, 2014 | Angry Owls | 0 | Sabres | 0 | 08:00PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 13, 2014 | Chiefs | 0 | Blackouts | 0 | 06:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 14, 2014 | Angry Owls | 0 | Sabres | 0 | 07:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 14, 2014 | Angry Owls | 0 | Sabres | 0 | 08:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 14, 2014 | Aces | 0 | Assassins | 0 | 09:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
Jan 14, 2014 | Assassins | 0 | Aces | 0 | 10:15PM | | Kelowna Sunplex Sports Arena | Playoff |
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