Wonders never cease! Ask two adult hockey teams to get up early on a Sunday morning to play the red-eye special and be rewarded afterwards with a greasy breakfast and one would expect a low turn out. Not so! Both teams for the early match had almost a full complement. It was to be a day of outstanding goaltending and frustration by the forwards as les guardians des but rose to the occasion. Led by a two goal performance by Wayne Cameron, Snelgrove Buslines easily defeated K.S.C., 5-1. Other scorers included Randy Clemo, Keith Schaeffer and Mike Conway. Captain Clemo had asked his goalie, Mark Skrobek to hold the opposition to two goals which he did as only Terry Schaeffer replied for the losing team. The post red-eye saw a shutout performance by Foley’s Chris Cowie as the winners, sans captain Mike Foley, brought A&B Sports back down to reality, by defeating them 4-0 on the two goal performance by Keith “Whiteshoes” James and singletons by Gary Logan and Bob Mallett. Captain Godin wondered aloud if perhaps the aroma from Gator Alley was too much of a distraction for his players. Foley still can’t understand why his team is taking so many penalties and have established themselves now as the new “goon team”. The mid-morning game saw league leading Bradley and Associates maintain their horrid pace of not losing by defeating Business Allies 6-3. It was a shoot ‘em up , bang ‘em up match featuring many goals and penalties. Doug Mousseau led the winners with a pair with singletons going to Ross Farmer, Bill Wagner, Mark Smith and Brian Blenkarn. Captain Doug Roy replied with a pair of his own with Garth Rogers rounding out the scoring in a losing cause. The pre-bunch game featured another goalie match up as only three goals were tallied. Mike Dube and Bob Lackey led the attack for Karters Korner as Rob Mulder held Goulbourn Sanitation to only one goal by rookie, Bert Zeyl. Newcomer goalie, Phil Ouellette, was appreciative of his forwards backchecking to keep the game close. Little did he know that backchecking is a rare commodity in the KOHA. The final game of the day involved another shutout by Karson Kartage’s, Scott Bulbrook. Scorers are not available at press time as different sweaters were used. The match did feature 8 minor penalties as Len Levesque’s team suffered its first defeat of the season. TRIVIA: Name the goalie who was finally drafted by a certain captain, for the very first time , even though they both have been playing in the same leagues for over 20 years!!!!! Send comments to the webmaster , pcrafts @rogers.com |