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Dino Page - St. Laurent Senators: City of Ottawa Champions - March 2004

Congratulations City Champions

Pictures provided by Jaime Opazo. Still waiting for more of you to send pictures.
City Championship Game: St. Laurent 6 - Kanata 3champs-wholeteam-march28-2004.jpg
Captaan Andrew with all the hardwarecaptain-hardware-march28-2004.jpg
Worlds Greatest Fanssuperfans-march-28-2004.jpg
Aidan & OliverAidan-Oliver-March-28-2004.jpg
Aidan, Thompson and AustinAidan-Thompson-Austin-March-28-2004.jpg
Thompson scores - video

This is the only goal that I managed to capture this season on my video camera. I had it in my pocket a couple of times. Roseann has several goals in her camera - but we can't figure out how to download them.