Initiation Program News Item

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Video of Last Official Practice - March 1, 2003

The clips are courtesy of Josef Eiblmeier

You need a fast internet connection in order to watch these.
Try to save them on your computer and watch them there. It wil be quicker that way, and you can replay them quickly even when you are off line.
Using Internet Explorer this can be done by right clicking on the Video - then choosing SAVE TARGET AS then clicking on the folder that you want to save it in.
Using Netscape - same thing except choosing SAVE LINK AS...

Or else if your connection is super fast - just click and play.
Smokey Entrance (14 Meg)STL_IP_Smoke_Entrance_1_March_2003.mpg
We Are the Champions (77 Meg)STL_IP_We_Are_Chmp_1_March_2003.mpg
Gonna Fly Now (76 Meg)STL_IP_Gonna_Fly_March_2003.mpg