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News Item

PMHL - News Item

Your league site is http://hockeypage.com/pmhl

League "SPARE GOALIE" List

If you want on or off  this list please contact Steve

Please notify league officials, opposing team and scorekeepers when using a spare goalie

Corey Vanveller - 869-2415

Rick Smith (519) 336-9240 542-1138

Dan Brown (519) 332-6552  - dbrown9@calvinseminary.edu

Chris Zylstra (519) 383-8267

Steve Buchnea- (519) 864-1951 (cell)331-7093-stevemcbuck@hotmail.com

If you know of any other goalies that would be available, please notify league-542-4770 or stevevanveller@gmail.com Thank you.