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News Item

BRHL - News Item

Your league site is http://hockeypage.com/marchbreakmadness006

Season to Get Under Way next week

The 3rd season of the BRHL will gte under way next week with all teams in action. Dates and times are not set yet.The odds from vegas came in at about 3 pm this afternoon for the reg.season championship and are as follows:

Whalers- 3-1

Otters 6-1

Generals 10-1

Frontenacs 55-1

The alternate captains were announced as well for the Generals,

With Mike Byrne taking lead roll as captain he has appointed Justin Mayo and Curtis meldrum to assistant duty.

Says Mayo in an interview:" It is a great honour to not only wear the A but to play for this prestigous team. Bowdens team looks to have stacked up pretty good but i think we can keep up with them."