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B.C.I.F.H.L. - News Item

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Captain Adam Zufelt speaks to us about the FHL

F.H.L is off to a great start this season. Heading into week three of the season and every team has played a game so far...some of the teams have been on the wrong end of the scoreboard. Captian Adam Zufelt from the Multiple Scoregasms has been on the winning end of their first game. They head into one of the toughest weeks in FHL history which will be the Scorgasms facing off against the Chiefs on Tuesday then going head to head with the WD-LA40's on Thursday. When asked about the up coming week Zufelt stated, "We're just going to play our game and try to get ahead on the scoreboard. Hopefully the guys will be able to come together as a team and get us our second win." Zufelt appointed his assistant captains today, forward Brody Burns and Owen Gill will wear the A's.